Össur Power Knee Features and Price

Össur Power Knee Features and Price

Power Knee is a microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee (MPK) developed by Össur. It provides active support for walking on flat surfaces, as well as ascending and descending ramps or stairs, and activities like standing up. These features help amputees maintain and regain their mobility, enabling them to perform daily activities with ease.

Össur Power Knee Features
Össur Power Knee Features

What is Össur Power Knee?

The Power Knee, produced by Össur, is the most complex and closest product to fully meeting the needs of amputees. This flawless knee joint is the result of years of work and experience by Össur engineers.

Össur Power Knee

The Power Knee is the world’s first motor-driven microprocessor-controlled knee. This technology provides active assistance during flexion and extension by mimicking concentric and eccentric muscle activity. Additionally, advanced sensors accurately detect the user’s movements, and this information is transmitted to the microprocessor.

Advanced artificial intelligence analyzes the user’s needs to provide solutions and communicates this to the microprocessor. A powerful motor supports both consistent stance phase and facilitates movement during swing phase.

Power Knee User
Power Knee User

The Power Knee actively extends as the person rises, provides controlled resistance during walking for active flexion and extension. Additionally, it supports symmetric weight distribution and natural walking with energy recycling stance flexion.

What are Össur Power Knee’s Features?

  • Automatic adaptive real-time stance and swing control
  • Active assistance during walking on flat surfaces, stair climbing, and standing up
  • Up to 25 hours of usage with a single battery
  • Össur Logic app for iOS devices provides setup and adjustment options
  • Energy recycling stance flexion is fixed
  • Intuitive knee lock engages while standing to facilitate equal weight distribution
  • Replaceable battery
  • Can be charged either with the joint attached or separately
  • Maximum weight capacity of 116 kg

How much does Össur Power Knee cost?

You can use the button below to see the price of the Össur Power Knee and determine if it’s suitable for you.

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